Gymnázium Ľudovída Štúra vo Zvolene  

Our long-term projects

Currently, our school is involved in the following long- term projects

  • Microsoft IT academy (MSITA) – project, which has been running since 2005 enables teachers and students of the school access to the latest Microsoft products
  • The Picture Challenge – photo competition held annually since 2008
  • The Green Company – school project aimed at separated waste collection in cooperation with the town of Zvolen
  • International students´exchange stays - in cooperation wth Rotary club in Zvolen, our school has organised a few exchange stays / there are two American students attending the school at the moment/
  • Governmental scholarships for one-year abroad study stay - One student got a study stay in Germany in the school year 2009/2010. Three other students gained study stays in Germany, France and Ireland in the school year 2008/2009.
  • Students´drop - Every year our students take part in this humanitarian event which is focused on blood donors
  • Dolphin - Our school has developed long-term cooperation with non-profit organisations- Dolphin, The League for Mental Health and The Sun, as well as with cultural institutions such as local theatre DJGT Zvolen, or Divadlo Na Rázcestí in Banská Bystrica
  • US Embassy - Our school cooperates with the US embassy in organizing regular discussions between students and embassy representatives, which are focused on current political US affairs and foreign affairs, environmental issues and many other topics.

Ľudovíta Štúra
Hronská 1467/3
960 49 Zvolen
IČO: 160 865
DIČ: 2021613363

tel.: 045 5333 920

Školská jedáleň
tel. : 045 5479 028