Gymnázium Ľudovída Štúra vo Zvolene  

School characteristics

Gymnázium Ľudovíta Štúra - Grammar school of Ludovit Štur is a secondary grammar school providing its students 4-year secondary education finished with A-levels. One of the major objectives of the school is to prepare our students for different universities which resulted in four study branches: Maths and IT, Science, Humanities and Foreign languages.

Our school is equipped with modern teaching aids and has been rebuilt recently. The school is involved in various long - term and short-term projects. Educational process is provided by the team of highly qualified teachers. Our students have been successful in different national and international competitions and activities,in getting scholarships for studying abroad, as well as in university entrance examinations. The school provides its graduates quality fundamentals for their further study and success in the labor market.

The school motto expresses the acronym MIAU, Motivate, Inspire and Activate which leads to the opportunity to experience Success.

Ľudovíta Štúra
Hronská 1467/3
960 49 Zvolen
IČO: 160 865
DIČ: 2021613363

tel.: 045 5333 920

Školská jedáleň
tel. : 045 5479 028