Gymnázium Ľudovída Štúra vo Zvolene  

Welcome !

We are happy that you have just opened our website!

Gymnázium of Ľudovít Štúr has been preparing students in Zvolen for universities for more than 90 years now. It has changed its name for eight times in the course of time and it has also changed its premises as many times as well. The present building, which was reconstructed in the school year 2009/2010, has been the school´s seat since 1988.

In 2009, 10 000th graduate has left our school. But the atmosphere of each school is not made only by the building but it is primarily made by activites and people. If you are interested in the past, present and future of our school, this is the right place!
Just sacrifice a few minutes and watch the following video / click on it/

On school´s 90th anniversary, a performance was prepared by our students.


This is the video which offers you to watch the school´s 90th anniversary celebration.

Video k oslavám  

View of the school at present.

Ľudovíta Štúra
Hronská 1467/3
960 49 Zvolen
IČO: 160 865
DIČ: 2021613363

tel.: 045 5333 920

Školská jedáleň
tel. : 045 5479 028