Gymnázium Ľudovída Štúra vo Zvolene  

Exterior and equipment of the school

There are

  • 23 regular classrooms, with dataprojectors and projecting screens
  • 13 specialized classrooms, with dataprojectors and projecting screens and PCs with the access to the Internet
  • 3 IT classrooms – with 13 PCs equipped with optical Internet connection, a laser network printer and a scanner,
  • 2 Physics classrooms – equipped with tables having electric outlets for carrying out various experiments,
  • 3 Language classrooms – with the unique Self- Access Centre equipped with plenty of self- study working sheets for students, two PCs with the Internet access, Video-, DVD- and CD – players with headphones
  • 1 Chemistry classroom – with laboratory tables and aids
  • 2 Biology classrooms – with special model- aids and bio- materials
  • 1 Maths classroom
  • 1 History and Social Studies classroom- equipped with a video- , and a DVD- players and a plasma TV, a PC, and also with historical maps and other teaching aids

  • A clubroom, usually used for different discussions and extra- cirricular activities, as well as an additional specialized classroom equipped with audio- visual teaching aids and gadgets.
  • School Library- having wide range of belletry
  • For the teachers there are 13 teachers´rooms equipped with PCs and a common teachers´room in the ground floor.

Ľudovíta Štúra
Hronská 1467/3
960 49 Zvolen
IČO: 160 865
DIČ: 2021613363

tel.: 045 5333 920

Školská jedáleň
tel. : 045 5479 028