Assassin's Creed

"When I was very young, I was foolish enough to believe that our Creed would bring an end to all these conflicts. If only I had possessed the humility to say to myself, I have seen enough for one life, I've done my part. Then again, there is no greater glory than fighting to find the truth."

Altair Ibn-La'Ahad (1165 – 1257) was a Syrian-born member of the Brotherhood of Assassins and served as their Mentor from 1191 until his death in 1257. During his tenure as Mentor, Altair made several discoveries and inventions that greatly helped the Order's progression. His leadership saw to the spread of the Assassins' influence in the World

"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it. Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three. And now, the twilight of my life, this understanding has passed into contentment. Love, liberty, and time: once so disposable, are the fuels that drive me forward. And love, most especially, mio caro. For you, our children, our brothers and sisters. And for the vast and wonderful world that gave us life, and keeps us guessing. Endless affection, mia Sofia. Forever yours, Ezio Auditore." -Ezio's last words

Ezio Auditore da Firenze (1459 – 1524). Ezio remained unaware of his Assassin heritage until the age of 17, when he witnessed the hanging of his father and two brothers. Forced to flee his birthplace with his remaining family members - his mother and sister - took refuge in the town of Monteriggioni. After learning of his heritage from his uncle, Mario Auditore, Ezio began his training and set about on his quest for vengeance against the Templars. He has managed to liberate Italy from Templars and became mentor of Assassin order. In the years that followed, Ezio began a quest to rediscover the lost history of the Order. Traveling to the aged fortress of Masyaf in order to learn more of the Assassins before him, he discovered it overrun with Templars and made his way to the city of Constantinople to uncover the location of the Masyaf keys which, as he discovered, would unlock the fortress's fabled hidden library when brought together. A decade later, Ezio had retired and resided in a Tuscan villa with his wife, Sofia Sartor, and his two children. Ezio died of a heart attack at the age of 65.

"I realize now that it will take time, that the road ahead is long and shrouded in darkness. It is a road that will not always take me where I wish to go – and I doubt I will live to see it end. But I will travel down it nonetheless."

Connor was an Assassin during the American Revolutionary . Ratonhnhaké:ton(his born name) was born to the Templar Haytham Kenway and a native woman. In 1760, while he was a young child, he was assaulted by members of the Templar Order, seeking the temple protected by his tribe, and lost his mother during the burning of his village by George Washington's forces. Ratonhnhaké:ton believed the Templars to be responsible for the attack. Ratonhnhaké:ton joined the Assassin Order to prevent the Templars from returning. Ratonhnhaké:ton convinced Achilles Davenport to train him. Adopting the pseudonym of 'Connor', he revitalized the Order. During his hunt for the Templars, Connor helped the Patriot movement and protected George Washington. However, he was conflicted by wanting to reconcile with his father, despite Achilles' warnings as to the futility of uniting the Assassin and Templar philosophies, which ultimately had tragic consequences, when Connors kills his father. Upon learning that it was Washington, not Templars, who had burned his village, Connor became disillusioned with the Revolutionaries, but continued using them to aid in the eradication of the Templars.

"You act as though you have some right to judge. To declare me and mine wrong for the world. And yet everything I've shown you – all I've said and done – should clearly demonstrate otherwise. We did not harm your people. We did not support the Crown. We worked to see this land united and at peace. Under our rule all will be equal."

Haytham Kenway(1725 – 1781) was the first Grand Master of the Templar Order's Colonial Rite, until his death in 1781. He joined the Templar order after execution of his family and as an one of the most skilled members was send to America find secret temple. Haytham established a permanent organized Templar presence in the colonies. Under his leadership, the Order grew exponentially, almost completely destroying their Assassin counterparts, and manipulating the colonial governments at every level. During this time, he unknowingly sired a son – Ratonhnhaké:ton, with native woman that aided him searching the temple. Many years later he his confronted by his son, Connor and they managed to get on well together and help each other in common objectives. However Connor intend to kill Haytham friend and Haytham has decide to face Connor to provide time for his friend to escape and is killed by Connor. In his final moments, Haytham noted that despite everything that had happened between himself and Connor, he felt a certain sense of content and pride with his son's noble qualities, and that he should have killed Connor long ago.

"For years I've been rushing around, taking whatever I fancied, not giving a tinker's curse for those I hurt. Yet here I am... with riches and reputation, feeling no wiser than when I left home. And when I turn around, and look at the course I've run... there's not a man or woman that I love left standing beside me."

Edward James Kenway (1693 – 1735) was British privateer-turned-pirate and a member of the Assassin Order. Edward sought to acquire riches and fame. He became a privateer for the Royal Navy early in his life and, once accepted, found himself stationed in the West Indies. However, a quick end to the War of the Spanish Succession and the promise of gold, glory and fame eventually seduced him into a life of piracy. It was during this quest that Edward first encountered the Assassin and Templar Orders, and became embroiled in their struggle.Over the next few years, Edward struggled with the internal conflict that arose from his desire for fame and riches - through finding the Temple - and his duty to his friends. After losing nearly all of his closest friends, he realized the folly of his quest for glory. He then joined the Assassin Order, hunted down the Templars in the region and entrusted the Temple to the Assassins. After a decade in the West Indies, Edward returned to Britain and received a pardon from king. He soon acquired an estate in London and married Tessa Stephenson-Oakley, with whom he fathered a son named Haytham. He quickly joined the British Brotherhood of Assassins, rising up to the rank of Master Assassin, and eventually, leader. Continuing his work as an Assassin, Edward researched the First Civilization, and kept the research in a journal. In 1735, he was killed by mercenaries in the employ of Templar,in order to acquire the journal.

"Uphold the principles of our Order, and all for that for which we stand. Never share our secrets nor divulge the true nature of our work. Do so until death – whatever the cost. This is my new creed. I am Shay Patrick Cormac. Templar of the Colonial... of the American Rite. I am an older man now, and perhaps wiser. A war and a revolution have ended, and another is about to begin. May the Father of Understanding guide us all."

Shay Patrick Cormac (1731 – unknown) was a member of the Colonial Rite of the Templar Order during the 18th century. Shay lost his parents at an early age, and was brought into the Colonial Brotherhood of Assassins by his childhood friend Liam O'Brien, where the two served under the Mentor Achilles Davenport. In 1751, the Templars stole two First Civilization artefacts in the Brotherhood's possession: the Precursor box and the Manuscript. The following year, after acquiring a sloop-of-war, the Morrigan, Shay was tasked with recovering the ancient artifacts. While he and Liam hunted down the Templars in possession of the First Civilization artefacts, Shay began to question the Assassins' methods. After recovering the artifacts, Shay used them to discern the location of a Temple in Lisbon. Achilles sent Shay to Lisbon in 1755, believing that the Temple held an powerful artefact. When he accessed the Temple however, Shay inadvertently triggered a massive earthquake, leaving thousands dead or homeless. His faith in the Brotherhood shattered, Shay resolved to keep them from finding more temples by stealing the Manuscript from them, nearly losing his life in the process. The Templar George Monro had the unconscious Shay brought under the care of Barry and Cassidy Finnegan in New York. Upon recovering, Shay met Monro and his fellow Templar Christopher Gist, and began working with them to reclaim the Morrigan and bring down the Assassin-allied gangs of the city. After Monro was killed by Liam in the aftermath of the Siege of Fort William Henry, Shay was inducted into the Templar Order, working with Grand Master Haytham Kenway to help the British Empire win the Seven Years' War and destroy the Colonial Assassins by hunting down his former compatriots. In 1760, a final confrontation in the Arctic left Liam dead, Achilles crippled and without followers and the Manuscript in Templar hands.

"He is Rodrigo Borgia, one of the most powerful men in all of Europe, and leader of the Templar Order."

Rodrigo Borgia (1431 – 1503), was the head of the Catholic Church from 11 August 1492 until his death, serving as Pope Alexander VI. From 1476, he reigned as Grand Master of the Templar Order in Italy. Originally hailing from Spain, Rodrigo moved to Italy where he studied and joined the Catholic Church. Using the influence he gained from his clerical position, Rodrigo conspired several plots to murder political leaders across the country to claim it under the Templar banner. As one of the wealthiest men in Europe, Rodrigo's power as Grand Master spread all over the continent. In 1488, Rodrigo was responsible for shipping an powerful artifact from Cyprus to Venice, before it was stolen by his arch enemy Ezio Auditore da Firenze and the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins. In 1492, via several bribes and power plays, Rodrigo won the Papal conclave, and became one of the most controversial Renaissance popes. Under the leadership of the Borgia, the Templars focused primarily on establishing their power and control in Europe, losing sight of their true ideology. The Templars commonly refer to this era as the "Dark Age of the Order". He was killed by his son Cesare Borgia in attempt to obtain artifact.

"I'm not content to merely to capture the world. I want to change it."

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (1452 – 1519) was an anatomist, sculptor, cartographer, painter, botanist, engineer, architect, and mathematician of the Renaissance. He was one of the closest frinds of Ezio Auditore and acompanied him till end of his life. His sophistical inventions, as a flying machine, tank, parachute, machine gun etc. provided great help to Ezio fighting the templars.

"It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one."

George Washington (1732 – 1799) was the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783, and served as the first President of the United States from 30 April 1789 to 4 March 1797. Born in the colony of Virginia in the British colonies of America, Washington joined the Virginian militia during his youth and participated in the French and Indian War with the British Army, fighting against the French and their indigenous allies. During the war, he ordered the burning of the neutral village of Kanatahséton. Due to the lack of progress of his military career in the British Army, Washington instead turned to politics. When the American Revolutionary War broke out, Washington supported the Patriots. Following the creation of the Continental Army, the Continental Congress of 1775 appointed Washington as its Commander-in-Chief. The Assassin Connor, subsequently protected Washington from the Templar Charles Lee, who was angered that he had been passed over for the position. Though the Continental Army suffered many losses under Washington's command, the aid of Connor and his apprentices managed to gain the army small victories. However, Washington fell out with Connor when the Assassin discovered he was responsible for the attack on his village, Kanatahséton, and signed for a second burning after Lee manipulated Connor's people into siding with the Loyalists. However, the Assassins continued to aid Washington when necessary, such as the investigation of the conspiracy at West Point.